* jamal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2005-11-13 10:09
> Issue-1) 
> We have agreed to implement based on 2863.
> Stefan has gone one step further and suggested extra states for L3
> status. The idea for the extra states being to resolve in this fix old
> standing issue (since 2.2 days) of higher metric routes being added
> based on ip address add/del and admin status. 
> c) dont do anything - current behavior is good enough. 
> Thomas main proponent.

That is a very misleading statement. I said current behaviour is good
enough on the _kernel_ side.

What has been proposed so far is a stupid hack around something broken
in userspace. You need control over the routes? Take it! It's all yours.
You really want to tell me that disabling/deleting/cuddling those routes
upon a carrier loss solves you problem with control? You must be kidding.
What are you going to do when you need to overwrite a route while the
interface is up and running? Insert yet another hacky state to be set
by the routing daemon but not affecting IFF_RUNING?

How does the above solve your problem for virtual routing links with
multiple hops in between? How are you going to detect the carrier of
non-adjacent media? How does this solve your problem with drivers which
do not maintain the carrier state appropriately? This is all a big joke,
right? What you need is a reliable way to tell whether that route can be
taken or not, please don't even think about telling me that IFF_RUNNING
is the way to go, we can do better than that, far better.

I see that disabling the routes for directly connected networks is the
easiest way to go for you at the moment because not a single bit has to
be changed in your daemon. It makes your routing daemon see things clear
while not taking care of anything. Look at the big picture and you'll see
it's completely useless because it's unreliable and doesn't work for
everyone, not even a majority.

Let me ask you one thing, how would you solve this problem in pre 2.2
era? That's what you get with my proposal, still unsolvable?

The example of multiple gateway failover is brought up over and over
again. Very good marketing, the case of nexthop failover is exactly the
one where link state is completely useless and inappropriate. Who said
the nexthops share the same carrier? This case must be solved by
exchanging information with the nexthop, easiest solution being a
neighbour probe. Doesn't work? Let's fix it.

Take control over those routes, it's the job of a routing daemon after
all, isn't it?
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