On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Leonid Grossman wrote:
> With several tens of already granted and very broad TOE-related patents,
> this statement sounds rather naïve, and I just wish anyone good luck 
> defending it in the future...

Ummm. TOE has been around for 20 years now and there is lots of prior art. 
The TOE patents that exist are actually very specific. This statement is 
just FUD.

The proposed TOE interface allows an implementation of LRO in the 
context of a TOE offload module. We would not have to put the patented 
LRO algorithm into the TCP layer if our proposed interface would be 
adopted. The LRO TOE offload module would be device driver like, could be 
written by Neterion and be maintained by you.

AFAIK that is the best way to isolate patented technology like yours.

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