On 4/18/2019 3:44 PM, Sean Donelan wrote:
On Wed, 17 Apr 2019, Sean Donelan wrote:
The Special Counsel's report is expected to be posted on its website
sometime between 11 a.m. and noon on Thursday, April 18, 2019.
Its been about 7 hours since the report was released on the SCO web
site and to the news media. Ignoring the content of the report, and
looking only at technical network distribution issues:
1. I did not experience and did not see any reports of network
distribution problems.
2. I did not experience and did not see any reports of malicious DDOS
or attempts to disrupt the distribution.
I think every news website had a copy: CNN, Fox, Reuters, US Today,
MSNBC etc. Even aljazeera.com and BBC News had copies. I don't know
anyone who used a .gov website.