Akamai will _NOT_ be helpful in this situation.

They will tell you that it is their customers who set the policy for their “Web 
Application Firewall”.

In reality, Akamai’s customers set certain things on “autopilot” where Akamai 
maintains a reputation database for various IP addresses and triggers actions
set by their customers without their customers direct knowledge or intervention.

Akamai’s process for dealing with this (or rather their refusal to create a 
process for dealing with it) is a horrible disservice to the internet and to 
their customers.

I tried to push for changes to this process while I was there and had no 
significant success.

I’ve also been the victim of these practices after I was laid off by Akamai 
(along with about 7% of their employees last year).

Because of a variety of issues I’m not at liberty to elaborate, it isn’t an 
easy problem for Akamai to solve, but as a company that prides itself on 
tackling and solving difficult problems, they’ve certainly fallen short here.


> On Mar 27, 2019, at 08:46 , Siyuan Miao <avel...@misaka.io> wrote:
> Hi,
> I got some complaints from customers and found out that all IP addresses 
> announced in one of our ASN are banned by Akamai or some websites hosted with 
> Akamai.
> I've tried to contact one of the website owners but didn't get any response.
> Could someone from Akamai contact me off-list?
> Regards,
> Siyuan Miao

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