On 3/8/19 2:32 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote:
No. Please no. We need less regulation. Not more.

VoIP started out the same way. Very simple to start offering voip. Worked well. 
Then the government got involved. Now it’s a mess of requirements, warnings and 

I was there developing service provider voip from the beginning and I can tell you that we were never unaware that we needed to deal with regulatory requirements from the pstn. e911, calia and all the rest. It was never simple.


On Mar 8, 2019, at 5:22 PM, Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote:


New York (CNN Business) The federal emergency alert program was designed 
decades ago to interrupt your TV show or radio station and warn about impending 
danger — from severe weather events to acts of war.

But people watch TV and listen to radio differently today. If a person is 
watching Netflix, listening to Spotify or playing a video game, for example, 
they might miss a critical emergency alert altogether.

"More and more people are opting out of the traditional television services," said 
Gregory Touhill, a cybersecurity expert who served at the Department of Homeland security and was 
the first-ever Federal Chief Information Security Officer. "There's a huge population out 
there that needs to help us rethink how we do this."


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