On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:34 AM C. A. Fillekes <cfille...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So @meileaben on twitter this morning notes: > > Many #*Zimbabwe* <https://twitter.com/hashtag/Zimbabwe?src=hash> Internet > routes withdrawn around 9:30 UTC amidst civil unrest in the country. > near-realtime on #*RIPEstat* > <https://twitter.com/hashtag/RIPEstat?src=hash> here: https:// > stat.ripe.net/ZW <https://t.co/sgJ4O3310z> #*OpenNetworkIntelligence* > <https://twitter.com/hashtag/OpenNetworkIntelligence?src=hash> # > *ZimbabweShutdown* <https://twitter.com/hashtag/ZimbabweShutdown?src=hash> > > https://twitter.com/meileaben/status/1085118237157851136 > > wondering if anyone here has additional info on that. Looing at > stat.ripe.net/ZW now it looks as though one (out of an original 18, > current 9) ASN has recovered, but kind of curious as to what exactly > happened there. > So Bloomberg notes that a number of ISPs were shut down to quell online protest https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-15/by-killing-the-internet-zimbabwe-kills-commerce-and-the-lights but are there no work-arounds available, if implemented?