Sent to NANOG, Anyone from NETFLIX subscribed?
Could you please fix the below type notification e-mails to ALSO be available if one ONLY USES PLAIN-TEXT email clients? Currently the notice information is formatted in such a way the PLAIN-TEXT section is completely EMPTY. ONLY the HTML section contains information. (E-mail client on my case is Thunderbird) -- Cheers Christoffer -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: (Netflix/***) Scheduled Open Connect Appliance upgrade is starting Resent-From: *** Date: *** Jan 2019 *** From: Netflix <> Reply-To: To: *** Netflix Hello ***, The scheduled upgrade of your Open Connect Appliance(s) (OCAs) is beginning now. The list of affected appliances is: IP Address Name Facility *** *** *** <!-- clipped -->