On 1/11/19 10:38 AM, Viruthagiri Thirumavalavan wrote:
Hello NANOG, Belated new year wishes.

I would like to gather some feedback from you all.

I'm trying to propose two things to the Internet Standard and it's related to SMTP.

(1) STARTTLS downgrade protection in a dead simple way

(2) SMTPS (Implicit TLS) on a new port (26). This is totally optional.

I posted my proposal in IETF mailing list. I got very good feedback there. Some support my proposal. Many are against it.

What is the IETF draft name?
Which IETF mailing list did this discussion happen on?


Doug Royer - (http://DougRoyer.US  http://goo.gl/yrxJTu )

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