> On Jan 9, 2019, at 09:51 , Töma Gavrichenkov <xima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 9 Jan. 2019 г., 9:56 Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com <mailto:ra...@psg.com>>:
> > the question is how soon the frr
> > users out on the internet will upgrade.
> > there are a lot of studies on
> > this.  it sure isn't on the order of a week
> Which is, as usual, a pity, because, generally, synchronizing a piece of 
> software with upstream security updates less frequently than once to twice in 
> a week belongs in Jurassic Park today; and doing it hardly more frequently 
> than once in 6 months, as ISPs usually do, clearly belongs in a bughouse.
> (wonder if this FRR update has got a CVE number though)

So if I understand you correctly, your statement is that everyone should be 
(potentially) rebooting every core, backbone, edge, and other router at least 
once or twice a week…

To quote Randy Bush… I encourage my competitors to try this.


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