Hey Phil,

What use cases are you trying to work on?

I work for Kentik on the product side of things and this kind of info is
very interesting for me to hear.

Happy to take your reply in a DM or here.


On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 6:01 AM Phil Lavin <phil.la...@cloudcall.com> wrote:

> > Doesn't Kentik cost like $2000 a month minimum?
> We recently got a quote from Kentik and I fell off my chair. The annual
> cost was slightly more than the total upfront purchase cost of the hardware
> they were collecting Flow from and was significantly more than the total
> cost each year of running the network (when factoring in power,
> cross-connects, transit, etc.). I'm told that collecting Flow and BGP from
> two routers which both do < 10Gbit is "~$32K USD per year for Kentik Pro" -
> even that feels disproportionally expensive. It does look like an excellent
> product though I'm struggling to find a business case that justifies the
> cost on relatively small (sub 2 Tbit/s) networks.
Thanks, Dan

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