Hey John,

Your criticism is warranted, but would also be addressed by
explanation DCN/OOB being the source of the problem.

At any rate, I am looking forward to stop speculating and start
reading post-mortem written by someone who knows how networks work.

On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 at 18:28, John Von Essen <j...@essenz.com> wrote:
> One thing that is troubling when reading that URL is that it appears several 
> steps of restoration required teams to go onsite for local login, etc.,. 
> Granted, to troubleshoot hardware you need to be physically present to pop a 
> line card in and out, but CTL/LVL3 should have full out-of-band console and 
> power control to all core devices, we shouldn't be waiting for someone to 
> drive to a location to get console or do power cycling. And I would imagine 
> the first step to alot of the troubleshooting was power cycling and local 
> console logs.
> -John
> On 12/30/18 10:42 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
> It's technical enough so that laypeople immediately lose interest, yet 
> completely useless to anyone that works with this stuff.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> http://www.ics-il.com
> Midwest-IX
> http://www.midwest-ix.com
> ________________________________
> From: "Saku Ytti" <s...@ytti.fi>
> To: "nanog list" <nanog@nanog.org>
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 7:42:49 AM
> Subject: CenturyLink RCA?
> Apologies for the URL, I do not know official source and I do not
> share the URLs sentiment.
> https://fuckingcenturylink.com/
> Can someone translate this to IP engineer? What did actually happen?
> From my own history, I rarely recognise the problem I fixed from
> reading the public RCA. I hope CenturyLink will do better.
> Best guess so far that I've heard is
> a) CenturyLink runs global L2 DCN/OOB
> b) there was HW fault which caused L2 loop (perhaps HW dropped BPDU,
> I've had this failure mode)
> c) DCN had direct access to control-plane, and L2 congested
> control-plane resources causing it to deprovision waves
> Now of course this is entirely speculation, but intended to show what
> type of explanation is acceptable and can be used to fix things.
> Hopefully CenturyLink does come out with IP-engineering readable
> explanation, so that we may use it as leverage to support work in our
> own domains to remove such risks.
> a) do not run L2 DCN/OOB
> b) do not connect MGMT ETH (it is unprotected access to control-plane,
> it  cannot be protected by CoPP/lo0 filter/LPTS ec)
> c) do add in your RFP scoring item for proper OOB port (Like Cisco CMP)
> d) do fail optical network up
> --
>   ++ytti


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