Yikes, they should change their name rather than be mistaken for Cogent lol

On 12/20/18, 2:04 PM, "Clayton Zekelman" <clay...@mnsi.net> wrote:

    Cogent != Cogeco
    Cogent - US Backbone Provider
    Cogeco - Canadian Cable TV & Internet provider
    At 01:00 PM 20/12/2018, David Hubbard wrote:
    >Google and HE don't have IPv6 connectivity with 
    >Cogent because Cogent's CEO has been in some 
    >decades long pissing match with them about free 
    >settlement free peering.  That's the unfortunate 
    >reality of the situation; nothing you can do 
    >other than have another route to HE/Google IPv6 
    >targets.  We have some Cogent circuits that are 
    >effectively useless for IPv6 as our customer 
    >base has heavy traffic to/from Google cloud 
    >services, so they can't be used for a backup / 
    >DR scenario; their only real value is an optimal 
    >route to other Cogent customers.  I'm slowly 
    >replacing our Cogent circuits when feasible 
    >because the reality is our customers reaching 
    >Google over IPv6 via all our upstreams is more 
    >valuable than Cogent's cost savings.
    >On 12/20/18, 12:37 PM, "NANOG on behalf of 
    >Brian J. Murrell" <nanog-boun...@nanog.org on 
    >behalf of br...@interlinx.bc.ca> wrote:
    >     I've been trying to figure out why I can reach an IPv6 address at
    >     Facebook (2a03:2880:f012:3:face:b00c:0:1) through (only) one of my two
    >     Internet connections as well as via an HE IPv6 tunnel but not the 
    >     of my two ISP connections
    >     At one point in time a traceroute was dying inside of he.net:
    >      Host 
    > Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
    >      1. 
    > 2001:1970:5261:d600::1                  0.0% 
    >   7    2.1   1.3   0.7   2.9   0.8
    >      2. 
    > 2001:1970:4000:82::1                    0.0% 
    >   7   10.0  14.0   8.3  37.9  10.6
    >      3. 
    > 2001:1970:0:1a6::1                     16.7% 
    >   7   13.2 215.5  10.8 1031. 455.9
    >      4. 
    > he.ip6.torontointernetxchange.net       0.0% 
    >   7   12.3  12.9  11.2  15.3   1.6
    >      5. 
    > 100ge9-2.core2.chi1.he.net              0.0% 
    >   7   23.6  23.0  21.3  27.6   2.2
    >      6. 
    > 100ge15-2.core1.chi1.he.net             0.0% 
    >   7   21.7  22.5  21.6  24.9   1.2
    >      7. 
    > 100ge12-1.core1.atl1.he.net             0.0% 
    >   7   34.2  35.1  34.1  36.1   0.7
    >      8. 
    > 100ge5-1.core1.tpa1.he.net              0.0% 
    >   7   49.1  46.6  44.8  49.1   1.5
    >      9. 
    > 100ge12-1.core1.mia1.he.net             0.0% 
    >   7   51.6  54.5  50.5  73.3   8.3
    >     10. ???
    >     But I think it getting that far time was an anomaly and frankly it
    >     usually dies even before exiting my ISP's (Cogeco) network like this:
    >      Host 
    > Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
    >      1. 
    > 2001:1970:5261:d600::1                   0.0% 
    >   33    0.6   0.7   0.6   1.0   0.1
    >      2. 
    > 2001:1970:4000:82::1                     0.0% 
    >   33    8.2  10.8   8.1  40.5   5.6
    >      3. 
    > 2001:1970:0:1a7::1                      15.2% 
    >   33   23.4  20.1  16.5  23.4   1.5
    >      4. 
    > 2001:1970:0:61::1                       33.3% 
    >   33   16.8  17.6  14.5  25.9   2.5
    >      5. 
    > 2001:1978:1300::1                        0.0% 
    >   33   16.0  17.5  14.2  29.6   3.1
    >      6. 
    > 2001:1978:203::45                        0.0% 
    >   33   30.7  30.7  28.4  35.1   1.7
    >      7. ???
    >     When I asked the kind folks at he.net for some advice about the 
    >     (i.e. in the first traceroute above) their diagnosis was that
    >     Facebook's IPv6 router(s) likely didn't have a route back to my Cogeco
    >     IPv6 address.
    >     Trying to talk to my ISP (again, Cogeco) has been impossible.  One
    >     simply cannot reach the people who know more than how to reset your
    >     router and configure your e-mail.
    >     I wonder how I could go any further with this to confirm the diagnosis
    >     that Facebook doesn't have a route to the Cogeco network's IPv6 
    >     space given that I only have access to my end of the path.
    >     Cheers,
    >     b.
    Clayton Zekelman
    Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi)
    3363 Tecumseh Rd. E
    Windsor, Ontario
    N8W 1H4
    tel. 519-985-8410
    fax. 519-985-8409        

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