Some points I have not seen so far are:
- how do you connect? local cc in the dc or several other fiber runs
to reach a different dc/city? (affects price, setup time, maintenance
and debugging)
- where is your traffic going to/from? how many intermediate ASs or
long transfers are involved?
- bgp community support to influence routing (including the already
mentioned blackhole)
- flowspec support
- additional services like ddos mitigation
- how many ports/locations per committed bandwidth
- your own experience with the company (sales/support)
- I assume IPv6 support does not need to be mentioned anymore :)

Am Fr., 14. Dez. 2018 um 16:24 Uhr schrieb Mehmet Akcin <>:
> Hello there,
> I have started writing a blog which I hope it would help buy transit services 
> from providers by doing various due diligences(technical) i wanted to reach 
> out and ask nanog community’s thoughts on this.
> What are some of your checklist items ? Price? Their directly peered 
> networks? If they are tier 2,3 who they use as tier 1-2? Are the onnet? I am 
> sure list goes on and on on...
> Thanks a lot for your help. I plan to write the blog this month and publish.
> Mehmet
> --
> Mehmet
> +1-424-298-1903

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