The cost analysis was already done. The cost is around 10% less. The
implications are there is no redundancy, lacking capacity, costs were not
factored in for BBUs on every ONT like should have been spec'd out for
emergency phone lines, etc. After that was done management said to suck it
up and make it work. Unfortunately we're beyond stuck with it at this point
as the second building is already under construction and the first
buildings grand opening is January 1st.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 12:04 PM William Herrin <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 10:59 AM Nick Bogle <> wrote:
> > That is correct. We are running SMF from our Datacenter to the end
> > users desk in the building and providing either in wall 4 port ONTs or
> > desktop 8-16 port ONTs. Everywhere there would be a traditional 3 port
> > CAT6 network jack there is a APC fiber jack and/or an in wall ONT.
> Hi Nick,
> Yikes! That's upside down even for PON. The P is for Passive. The
> whole idea is to not have powered infrastructure in inconvenient
> locations because that's expensive and super hard to reliably
> maintain.
> I think maybe you've found yourself in a "throwing good money after
> bad" situation. You have the LAN equivalent of motion sensor lighting
> in the restroom. Sounds great until you realize the maximum delay
> setting is 15 minutes... how many dark #2s before you have to bite the
> bullet and take it out?
> This is going to cost you cash and productivity for as long as you
> keep trying to make it work. Moreover, the combination of
> inflexibility and elevated incidence of outages will consume the
> occupants' productivity as well. There will never be a less expensive
> time to install a classic (copper) cabling infrastructure than before
> the building is occupied. This is where you dip in to the
> organization's contingency funds and take the political hit.
> And for the love of God, break the contract for the next building.
> Even if you have to pay it out and just lose the money, save yourself
> the expense of ever having to operate it. If they won't take your word
> for it, get an external networking company to do an impact and cost
> analysis so you can show the administration what they'll lose by
> continuing this folly.
> I'll bet your contractor had some questions they didn't want to
> answer. If I'd sold you this bill of goods there'd be questions I
> wouldn't want to answer too.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin ................
> Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>

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