A few of us at my startup worked with onap for a few months last year as part 
of a container security project for a large telco. It was a bit of a PIA to get 
going. Att open sourced it in name - an enterprise sw project that was built by 
a large team over several years with lots of people coming and going. So I’d 
say don’t expect an easy go if it. 

Onap was a popular topic at kubecon last year - lots of telcos medium and large 
looking at it, so due to popularity maybe the community support has improved in 
the last year. 

Excuse any typos - sent from mobile device

> On Nov 30, 2018, at 5:53 AM, <adamv0...@netconsultings.com> 
> <adamv0...@netconsultings.com> wrote:
> Hi gents,
> I'm looking for physical network services orchestration framework for
> network service providers that could later be used/extended to orchestrate
> other areas of the business (virtualized services in DC, etc..).
> So far it appears to me  that there's no such ready-made commercial product
> on the market that would contain all the building blocks I'd be interested
> in (well especially the easy to use service designer tool).
> ECOMP and now OANP seem to have it all and much more I'm just curious if
> anyone is using it in anger (or parts of it for that matter) for
> orchestration/design/automation of services on physical network. 
> I'd like to hear some  stories from trenches with regards to the
> implementation, but I'd be also interested in your thoughts in case you just
> assessed the tool for implementation (why did liked not liked about it).
> Thank you
> adam 
> netconsultings.com
> ::carrier-class solutions for the telecommunications industry::   

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