On Sat, Nov 24, 2018 at 8:48 PM Hal Murray < hgm+na...@ip-64-139-1-69.sjc.megapath.net> wrote:
> > Keith Medcalf said: > > "just static content" would be more accurate ... > > and using http rather than https > > > There were many attempts at this by Johhny-cum-lately ISPs back in the > 90's > > -- particularly Telco and Cableco's -- with their "transparent poxies". > > Eventually they discovered that it was more cost efficient to actually > > provide the customer with what the customer had purchased. > > One of the complications in this area is an extra layer of logging which > could > turn into privacy invasion. > > I'm pretty sure it was Comcast, but a quick search didn't find a good > reference. Many years ago, there were a lot of complaints when customers > did you mean the 'sandvine experiment' that happened ~10 yrs back? or did you mean the plan verizon had to proxy all http/https traffic from consumer (fios/dsl) links through their gear so they could replace ad content and such? or did you mean the various (barefruit/nominim/paxfire) dns fake-answer companies that dropped your customer on their "search platform" for monetization? fairly much all of those are a wreck for consumer privacy :( > discovered that their transparent proxy web site traffic was getting > logged. > Comcast said they weren't using it for anything beyond normal operations > work, > but nobody believed them. Shortly after that, they gave up on proxying. > > I'm sure the general reputation of modern Telcos and Cablecos for privacy > invasion didn't help. > > it's a rough business to be in, they say... but invading privacy of their users makes things seem a heck of a lot worse. > > -- > These are my opinions. I hate spam. > > > >