$dayjob hat off: I'll add that they often times use the same fiber for the
last mile (hence why they're both on-net at that building), so if you get
both with the intention of redundancy, you could potentially be taken out
by a single cut unless you harp on the point that they need to be fiber
diverse and asking for proof (drawings, etc.) never hurts.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 1:05 PM Kushal R. <kusha...@h4g.co> wrote:

> Comparing networks and performance I believe zayo will outperform Cogent
> in most places but I’ve heard nightmares about dealing with Zayo’s account
> managers and billing reps.
> Cogent is great at their price point and you will get a very sweet deal
> for a 10G circuit and their  account managers and NOC both have been great
> for us.
> On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 7:21 PM, Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are in a facility where my only options are Cogent or Zayo. We plan on
>> getting a 10G connection for a web crawler using v4 only. Looking for
>> feedback on either or (keeping the politics out of it).
>> TIA.
>> Dovid
>> --
> --
> [image: Host4Geeks]
> Kushal R
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