The older Fulcrum/Intel FM6000 in the Arista 7150 can do NAT.


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 10:54 AM Edward Dore <> wrote:

> Not sure if you count Arista as whitebox given their use of merchant
> silicon but running their own NOS, however they were touting the 7170
> series as being able to do NAT recently. That's a Barefoot Tofino chip
> under the hood.
> I've no idea how well it can do NAT or what the limitations are mind you,
> but it was a specific selling point that they were pushing ...
> Edward Dore
> Freethought Internet
> On 09/10/2018, 16:38, "NANOG on behalf of Jason Lixfeld" <
> on behalf of> wrote:
>     Has anyone played around with this?  Curious if the BCM (or whatever
> other chip) can do this, and if not, if any of the box vendors have tried
> to find a way to get these things to do a bunch of NAT - say some flavour
> of NAT, line-rate @ 10G.  If so, anyone know of a NOS that has support for
> it?  OcNOS, Cumulus Linux, PicOS and Switch Light OS seem to have none, but
> not sure if there are others out there.
>     Thanks!

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