I've used IPv4 Market Group before. Process was pretty painless, and they
were trusting enough to allow us to pay by PO (your mileage may vary).


On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 6:57 PM, Ross Tajvar <r...@tajvar.io> wrote:

> Hi all,
> My US-based employer will be starting a new business unit soon that will
> require IPv4 addresses (aiming for a /22 to start with). I know ARIN has a
> waitlist (though I'm not sure where they're getting new IPs from), but the
> faster way is to buy blocks from people who already have them. I'm aware of
> Hilco Streambank - are there any other auctions? If I want to buy via
> private sale, does anyone know of ways to find sellers?
> Thanks,
> Ross

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