(I'm going to regret posting this later, but...) On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:57 PM John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> > The significant difference for ARIN is that we operate under a different > legal regime, and as a matter of US law, it appears that we cannot rely > only upon terms and conditions published in our website as evidence of > informed agreement; i.e. within the US legal framework, we need a specific > act of acceptance in order to have a binding agreement. > how is arin's problem here different from that which 'lets encrypt' is facing with their Cert things? Don't they have the same sort of problem as ARIN? "somoene trusted a cert signed by LE for "thing" and got scammed/harmed/etc" It seems odd, to me anyway, that this is seemingly so very different... I also would like less friction in the RPKI process...I don't think it serves ARIN, it's community nor the global internet community to make things harder to secure/validate.