Our SF2 facility’s IXP has a Netflix OpenFiler; https://openconnect.netflix.com 

That alone might be worth an XC/IXP.  

Even where bandwidth is available, it can still be prohibitively expensive - 
conversely lowering costs could translate to lowered fees to customers.


> On Sep 13, 2018, at 2:32 PM, Mel Beckman <m...@beckman.org> wrote:
> Mehmet,
> In general an IX only makes sense when there are local resources to exchange. 
> It doesn’t seem like PR has a lot of, if any, content providers of its own, 
> so most consumer content is coming from offshore anyway. Given modern DWDM 
> fiber, backhauling all that content shouldn’t be an issue. I recall that in 
> mid-2015 PR landed the "most advanced undersea fiber-optic cable in the 
> Caribbean and Central America”, uniting a total of seven countries and 
> territories. The head end was at Telephonica’s data center. I remember in 
> your Nanog talk ten years ago that you felt that peer-to-peer file sharing 
> and VoIP were major bandwidth consumers, but I’ve never seen the actual 
> statistics for that. But even if that’s the case, the small number of ISPs 
> should be able to form and fund their own IX given a business need. 
> I’ve done work in the Dominican Republic, and they’re in a similar situation, 
> with no real business interest in an IX.
> You asked a pointed question: given its location, is an IX in PR necessary? I 
> know you’re invested a ton of time and effort in making a PR exchange work, 
> but I think you may already have the answer, given the low interest. That 
> answer seems to be “no”. 
> Of course, if you can get some major content provider buy-n, that might make 
> the business case more solid. 
>  -mel
>> On Sep 13, 2018, at 1:27 PM, Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net 
>> <mailto:meh...@akcin.net>> wrote:
>> It has been little over a year and we have been working on launching an 
>> internet exchange in puerto rico but of course hurricane and other things 
>> got in the way of achieving this.
>> We now have identified what we believe the right location (most of the isp’s 
>> have presence in this location) backbone/ip transit connectivity, local team 
>> to provide onsite support. 
>> Having said that We have been engaged with several content delivery 
>> networks, OTTs but general feedback was that Puerto Rico was not on their 
>> radar for 2018 hence delayed launch. Now we are talking to same players 
>> about 2019 but general answer seemed like people were satisfied enough to 
>> serve Puerto Rico from Miami.
>> Perhaps we are talking to really big CDNs, OTTs and we should engage 
>> differently however the level of interest is very low and I really don’t 
>> want to “build and they will come” again ;-) 
>> Bottom line is, if there was an IXP in Puerto Rico similar to ones in 
>> Florida, I am trying to understand who would actually deploy (just speak to 
>> your company only please) because most of my assumptions were proven wrong 
>> ;-)
>> I guess I want to ask two questions, given its location in caribbean, does 
>> Puerto Rico need an internet exchange point? Would you join it?(it will be a 
>> membership based IXP where members share cost)
>> Mehmet
>> On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 4:27 AM Mehmet Akcin <meh...@akcin.net 
>> <mailto:meh...@akcin.net>> wrote:
>> Hey there! 
>> ... ok this time I am not going to call it PRIX ;) well name doesn't matter 
>> really. Nearly 13 years ago I have attempted to start Puerto rico Internet 
>> exchange in San Juan. I have lived there over 5 years and i just wanted to 
>> really watch videos faster. The project somewhat died when i moved to LA but 
>> now there are few interested party to start an internet exchange in Puerto 
>> rico. The jsland historically had one of the slowest broadband/internet 
>> services which seemed to have improved in recent years however as of 2017 
>> there still is not an IX in Puerto rico. 
>> We , 3-4 internet engineers (on island and remote) , want to look into 
>> relaunch of this IX and hopefully find a way to keep local traffic exchanged 
>> at high speeds and low cost. We need expertise, and people who want to help 
>> any way they can. 
>> We are trying to make this IX a not-for-profit one and we are looking at 
>> opeeating models to adapt which has worked incredibly well like Seattle IX.
>> We are hoping the relaunch to happen sometime in 2018. Thanks in advance 
>> hope to share more info and traffic data sometime , soon. Watch this space!
>> Mehmet
>> -- 
>> Mehmet
>> +1-424-298-1903

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