I personally would love to see social pressure applied removing this from the internet.
certain prominent google search results. e.g. https://getipv6.info/display/IPv6/Linux+or+BSD+6to4+Relays probably also could use some curation given the appropriateness of reling on a anycast translator for your transition at this point. On 6/18/18 2:08 PM, Job Snijders wrote: > Dear all, > > TL;DR: Perhaps it is time to add 2002::/16 to our EBGP bogon filters? > > It is kind of strange that in the default-free zone (where we don’t > announce defaults to each other) - we will propagate what is effectively an > IPv4 default-route, in the IPv6 DFZ. > > IETF has politely abandoned the prefix: > https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7526 > > Wes George highlighted operational problems from accepting 2002::/16 on the > data-plane slide 6: > http://iepg.org/2018-03-18-ietf101/wes.pdf > > Is there still really any legit reason left to accept, or propagate, > 2002::/16 on EBGP sessions in the DFZ? > > Kind regards, > > Job >