
Not sure how to compare but i'd be very interested in the result of your
work !

Le lun. 4 juin 2018 à 07:43, Kasper Adel <karim.a...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello
> I’m asked to evaluate switching platforms that has different forwarding
> chips but the same OS.
> Assuming these vendors give the same SDK and similar documentation/support,
> then what would be comparison points to consider, other than the obvious
> (price, features, bps, pps).
> I’m thinking, how do i validate their claims about capability to do
> leaf/spine arch, ToR/Gateways, telemetry, serviceability, facilities to
> troubleshoot packet drops or FIB programming misses, hidden tools...etc
> It would be great if anyonw can give some thoughts around it, specially if
> you have tried one or both.
> Thanks
> Kim

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