Ask if they will configure BFD for you. I’ve not found many transit providers 
that will, but it’s worth a shot and it will lower failure detection to circa 1 

> On 16 May 2018, at 17:49, Adam Kajtar <> wrote:
> I could use static routes but I noticed since I moved to full routes I have
> had a lot fewer customer complaints about latency(especially when it comes
> to Voice and VPN traffic).
> I wasn't using per-packet load balancing. I believe juniper default is per
> IP.
> My timers are as follows
> Active Holdtime: 90
> Keepalive Interval: 30
> Would I be correct in thinking I need to contact my ISP to lower these
> values?
> An interesting note is when I had both ISPs connected into a single MX104
> the failover was just a few seconds.
> Thanks again.
>> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:42 PM Ben Cannon <> wrote:
>> Have you checked your timeouts ?
>> -Ben
>>> On May 15, 2018, at 4:09 PM, Kaiser, Erich <> wrote:
>>> Do you need full routes?  What about just a default route from BGP?
>>> Erich Kaiser
>>> The Fusion Network
>>> Office: 815-570-3101
>>>> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 5:38 PM, Aaron Gould <> wrote:
>>>> You sure it doesn't have something to do with 60 seconds * 3 = 180 secs
>> of
>>>> BGP neighbor Time out before it believes neighbor is dead and remove
>> routes
>>>> to that neighbor?
>>>> Aaron
>>>>> On May 15, 2018, at 9:10 AM, Adam Kajtar <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello:
>>>>> I'm running two Juniper MX104s. Each MX has 1 ISP connected running
>>>>> BGP(full routes). iBGP is running between the routers via a two port
>> 20G
>>>>> lag. When one of the ISPs fails, it can take upwards of 2 minutes for
>>>>> traffic to start flowing correctly. The router has the correct route in
>>>> the
>>>>> routing table, but it doesn't install it in the forwarding table for
>> the
>>>>> full two mins.
>>>>> I have a few questions if anyone could answer them.
>>>>> - What would a usual convergence time be for this setup?
>>>>> - Is there anything I could do speed this process up? (I tried
>>>> Multipath)
>>>>> - Any tips and tricks would be much appreciated
>>>>> Thanks in Advance
>>>>> --
>>>>> Adam Kajtar
>>>>> Systems Administrator
>>>>> City of Wadsworth
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>>>>> <>
> -- 
> Adam Kajtar
> Systems Administrator, Safety Services
> City of Wadsworth
> Office 330.335.2865
> Cell 330.485.6510
> -----------------------------------------------------
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> <> *|* Instagram
> <> *|* YouTube
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