On 8 May 2018 at 18:58, <cgr...@mbay.net> wrote:

> Can anyone recommend wave providers on the Hong Kong area? I need to reach
> between two colo facilities there. Feel free to ping me off-list.

​Hong Kong island (e.g. REACH near Admiralty or Mega i-advantage near Chai
Wan) or in the Tsuen Wan area​ (e.g. Equinix HK1 etc) or somewhere else?
All the providers have waves throughout the main districts, but some are
far better if it's within the boundaries of their specific service areas.

I've used Wharf T&T in the past, now known as WTT HK, for waves between
office buildings in Central / Admiralty and colo in Tseung Kwan O. They
were very fast to install, reasonably priced (for cross-harbour circuits at
least) and were happy to handle arrangement of wayleaves without too much
hand holding.


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