Why not just go the whitebox route and pick your NOS of choice?

Far cheaper, and far more flexible.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 7:28 AM Colton Conor <colton.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Of the two large Chinese Vendors, which has the better network operating
> system? Huawei is much larger that ZTE is my understanding, but larger does
> not always mean better.
> Both of these manufactures have switches and routers. I doubt we will use
> their routing products anytime soon, but the switching products with MPLS
> are what we are exploring. Price wise both of these vendors seem to have
> 10G MPLS capable switches that are a 1/4 of the price of a Cisco or Juniper
> wants to charge.
> On the Huawei side looks like the S6720 is a fit.
> On the ZTE side, it looks like the ZXR10 5960 Series is a fit.
> Has anyone had experience with either of these two switches? How do they
> compare?
> Also, for each independent brand, is their switching network operating
> system the same as their routing network operating system that their
> routers run?

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