Also, IPv6 BGP support was only introduced in PanOS 8.  But everything works 
fine here too.

On Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 10:47:45AM +0000, Dan Kitchen wrote:
> We run PaloAlto dual stack with no problems at all, that’s full dynamic 
> routing with OSPF and BGP, web filtering, IPS, VPN access using 
> GlobalProtect, etc.
> I must admit GlobalProtect IPv6 support was only introduced in PanOS 8 which 
> was a little late in my opinion – but it was delivered and works.
> Dan Kitchen
> Managing Director
> razorblue | IT Solutions for Business
> ddi:0330 122 7143 |  t: 0333 344 6 344 | e: 
><> | w:
> Legal and address information for all Razorblue Group companies can be found
> at
> From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Joe Klein
> Sent: 02 April 2018 23:58
> To: NANOG list <>
> Subject: NG Firewalls & IPv6
> WARNING: This e-mail originated from outside the Razorblue Group corporate 
> network
> All,
> At security and network tradeshows over the last 15 years, I have asked
> companies if their products supported "IPv6". They all claimed they did,
> but were unable to verify any successful installations. Later they told me
> it was on their "Roadmap" but were unable to provide an estimated year,
> because it was a trade secret.
> Starting this last year at BlackHat US, I again visited every product
> booth, asking if their products supported dual-stack or IPv6 only
> operations. Receiving only the same unsupported answers, I decided to focus
> on one product category.
> To the gurus of the NANOG community, What are your experiences with
> installing and managing Next Generations firewalls? Do they support IPv6
> only environments? Details? Stories?
> If you prefer not to disparage those poor product companies, please contact
> me off the list.
> Thanks,
> Joe Klein

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