We use PHPIPAM for our clients

If given the choice Netflix traffic prefers IPV6.  That is the “killer app” for 

Justin Wilson


> On Apr 1, 2018, at 2:35 PM, Pete Baldwin <p...@tccmail.ca> wrote:
> Each file can only contain a single IP address in order to upload to the 
> cloud spreadsheet.  You'll need to split each entry into it's own file and 
> then it should work.  Good luck!
> -----
> Pete Baldwin
> Tuckersmith Communications
> (P) 519-565-2400
> (C) 519-441-7383
> On 04/01/2018 07:09 AM, Job Snijders wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I made a list of the IPv6 addresses in my home LAN, but have trouble
>> copy+pasting the list into a cloud spreadsheet. My address list is here:
>> http://pete.meerval.net/~job/
>> How do other folks do this? Just administrate things in text files?
>> Kind regards,
>> Job

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