NANOGers -

     ARIN operates the number registry according to community-developed 
policies, but ultimately such policies are shaped by the folks in this 
community who choose to participate in their development.

     There are several significant policy proposals that will be considered at 
ARIN 41, and I’d recommend taking a moment to review them and either comment on 
our public policy mail list (<>) or 
participate in the upcoming meeting (onsite in Miami or remotely, as one 
prefers)    Please see the attached email summarizing potential changes to 
number resource policy that will be discussed at ARIN 41 two weeks from today.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN <<>>
Subject: [arin-announce] Participate in the Public Policy Process at ARIN 41
Date: 2 April 2018 at 9:17:06 AM EDT
To: <<>>

We hope you’ve heard about the upcoming ARIN 41 Public Policy and Members 
Meeting, taking place 15-18 April in Miami, and that you are planning to 
participate in this important policy discussion forum. These policies can have 
a direct impact on your business, so you will undoubtedly want to share your 
thoughts and contribute to the discussion!

The policy discussions at ARIN 41 will include:

-Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2017-3: Update to NPRM 3.6: Annual Whois POC 
-Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2017-8: Amend Community Networks
-Draft Policy ARIN-2017-9: Clarification of Initial Block Size for IPv4 ISP 
-Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2017-10: Repeal of Immediate Need for IPv4 
Address Space (NRPM Section
-Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2017-12: Require New POC Validation Upon 
-Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2017-13: Remove ARIN Review Requirements for 
Large IPv4 Reassignments/Reallocations
-Draft Policy ARIN-2018-1: Allows Inter-regional ASN Transfers
-Draft Policy ARIN-2018-2: Clarification to ISP Initial Allocation and Permit 

All draft policy text is available at:

You won’t want to miss other agenda highlights like updates on software 
development, the ARIN fee schedule, and data privacy, plus the latest news from 
the other RIRs. We will also provide an update on the website redesign project 
that is currently underway and review the results of our most recent customer 
satisfaction survey.

The full ARIN 41 agenda is available at:

We hope to see you in Miami, but if you are unable to make it in person, 
participating online can be equally rewarding. As a registered remote 
participant, you'll be able to access the live transcript and webcast on the 
ARIN website throughout the meeting, submit questions and comments alongside 
in-person attendees, and raise your virtual hand during straw polls.

The webcast and live transcript are available to anyone, but if you want to 
join in the meeting chat room and add your voice to the discussion and 
participate in straw polls, you must register at:

Select "Register” and choose “Remote Participant” as your registration type. We 
are using Slack for ARIN 41 and all remote participants will be sent an 
invitation to create an account to access the meeting chat. We strongly 
encourage you to log in to Slack to test this functionality before the meeting 
begins so that you can participate fully when the meeting starts. Please note 
that all times listed on the agenda are Eastern Time.

All remote participants are subject to the Remote Participation Acceptable Use 
Policy (AUP) found at:

Whether you attend in person or remotely, we look forward to your 
participation! Please contact us at if you have any questions.


Communications and Member Services
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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