These? :-) 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


----- Original Message -----

From: "James Breeden" <> 
To: "Mike Hammett" <> 
Cc: "NANOG list" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 12:38:36 PM 
Subject: BGP Community Support WAS: Re: Cogent vs. HE ;-) WAS: Anyone using 
Cogent Ethernet 

While we're on the topic of BGP community support, I'd be interested in the 
greater group's favorites, pros, and cons of what you want to see in a BGP 
community support table/system from a provider. Taking notes for a customer.. 

James W. Breeden 
Managing Partner 

Arenal Group: Arenal Consulting Group | Acilis Telecom | Pines Media 
PO Box 1063 | Smithville, TX 78957 
Email: | office 512.360.0000 | cell 512.304.0745 | 

From: NANOG <> on behalf of Mike Hammett 
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 8:12 AM 
Cc: NANOG list 
Subject: Cogent vs. HE ;-) WAS: Anyone using Cogent Ethernet 

If only they had decent BGP community support. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 


----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Martin List-Petersen" <> 
To: "Michael Crapse" <> 
Cc: "Mike Hammett" <>, "NANOG list" <> 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 8:24:46 PM 
Subject: Re: Anyone using Cogent Ethernet 

On 23/01/18 02:12, Michael Crapse wrote: 
> Tier 1 just means they don't pay for ip transit themselves, only Peering. 
> Doesn't mean that it's good transit. 
> Best provider i've ever used is hurricane electric, actually a tier 2 
> provider, but bigger/better than many tier 1s. 

I'd still categorise Hurricane a lot better than Cogent. 

Both quality and customer service wise. 


> On 22 January 2018 at 19:07, Martin List-Petersen <> wrote: 
>> On 22/01/18 20:05, Mike Hammett wrote: 
>>> I much prefer using WDM transport as opposed to Ethernet\VPLS transport 
>>> due to it being significantly harder (I try not to say impossible) to 
>>> oversubscribe. That said, it isn't always available at a decent rate at a 
>>> given location. 
>>> Cogent has a reputation (right or wrong) for running things a little hot. 
>>> Have any of you used Cogent Ethernet\VPLS services? What are you 
>>> experiences? Offlist is fine if you don't want it public. 
>> Never use them without a backup alternative. I've seen more outages, that 
>> one would want to ever see from a provider, that would like to be 
>> categorised as Tier1. 
>> Especially, when some of these are longer than expected, because there 
>> were no cold-spares in the country and the cold-spare needed missed the 
>> flight. 
>> /M 
>> -- 
>> Airwire Ltd. - Ag Nascadh Pobail an Iarthair 
>> Phone: 091-395 000 
>> Registered Office: Moy, Kinvara, Co. Galway, 091-395 000 - Registered in 
>> Ireland No. 508961 

Airwire Ltd. - Ag Nascadh Pobail an Iarthair 
Phone: 091-395 000 
Registered Office: Moy, Kinvara, Co. Galway, 091-395 000 - Registered in 
Ireland No. 508961 

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