On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:08 PM, John Levine <jo...@iecc.com> wrote:

> In article <CAAQxoQELWiE8ywF2hJF8AiM+6JJVxOpHV1-Ef19tcMOCc2E=mg@
> mail.gmail.com> you write:
> >We're on the hunt yet again for an additional /22 to lease, and are
> >wondering what the best options are out there?
> It's been a long time since I've seen IP space for lease that wasn't
> either a scam or totally poisoned.
> If it were actually usable, it'd be for sale, not for lease.
is it possible that the OP means: "sale" which I think in arin region still
really means: "Transfer" ?
otherwise, I'd think: "get a link to an ISP, put forth the justification
for a /22 and ... rock on"

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