Fellow NANOG Aficionados,

If you’ve ever asked or wondered how you can make a significant
contribution to the NANOG organization, I have good news.

Nominations <https://www.nanog.org/elections/2017/CommitteeNominations> are
now open for the NANOG Program Committee

This committee is wholly responsible for the construction and curation of
the program content that attendees experience at each of the three yearly
NANOG conferences. You’ll join a highly skilled, dedicated and diverse
group of people that are united in their desire not only to improve the
NANOG organization, but to make our industry, as a whole, better. More
specific detail surrounding committee member responsibilities is available
here <https://www.nanog.org/governance/pgm/member_responsibilities>.

Committee nominations will close at 9:00 PM ET on Tuesday, February 20,
2018. The NANOG Board of Directors will make appointments on the afternoon
of February 21, 2018. Emails detailing the selection results will be sent
to candidates shortly thereafter, and a full announcement will be sent to
the nanog-announce distribution list during the following week.

Volunteer participation on NANOG committees isn’t just critical to our
success -- it is our lifeblood. If you are interested, please consider
running for a position.  If you know someone that you believe would be
interested, please nominate them. The nomination form
<https://www.nanog.org/elections/2017/PCnominationform> accepts either self
or 3rd party nominations.

For those of you that are interested but uncertain, please feel free to
approach me, or any of the other board members personally. We’d love to
hear from you, and sincerely hope that our collective enthusiasm for
contributing to this organization will help sway you to join us on our

As always, our dedicated professional staff stands ready to answer your
questions at operati...@nanog.org.

Finally (I know I’m a bit late), I’d like to extend my best wishes to each
of you for a happy and healthy 2018. I look forward to seeing you on
February 19 in Atlanta for NANOG 72



(for the NANOG Board of Directors)

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