On Tue, 2 Jan 2018, Mel Beckman wrote:
I woke up this morning to a barrage of complaints from users that our mail servers' outbound emails are
bouncing due to a blacklisting. Sure enough, mxtoolbox.com<http://mxtoolbox.com> reports that
rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> has blacklisted us for more than a day. However, looking
up our address on the rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> lookup webpage shows we're NOT
listed. But a check of the RBL's DNS shows that we are. Then I found this on the
rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> owner's website ():
"rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> (is offline since 01-01-2018) please replace
it with rbl.realtimeblacklist.com<http://rbl.realtimeblacklist.com>
rbl.iprange.net<http://rbl.iprange.net> will mark every ip address as listed to
force removal of this server."
What the heck? I've tried contacting
realtimeblacklisk.com<http://realtimeblacklisk.com>, but they're in the
Netherlands and apparently fast asleep (in more ways than one, it seems).
If you do manage to get ahold of anyone there, you might suggest they read
section 3.4 of
There's a right way to shut down a DNSBL that's been tested and used by
others. Listing the world is not the right way.
Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route
| therefore you are
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________