Not if you are in an RLEC controlled territory you can't.  They are protected 
monopolies by definition.  You could do fixed wireless but not real cost 
effective to deploy in low density rural environments.  Especially when there 
is a lack of cellular infrastructure to piggyback the infrastructure on.

Anyone that has been a CLEC knows that the ILEC have squeezed the CLECs out of 
the wireline space pretty effectively.  It is nearly impossible to compete with 
the already amortized ILEC wireline networks and you can't do your own cable 
infrastructure without a city franchise in most areas.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

>-----Original Message-----
>From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Mike Hammett
>Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 10:28 AM
>Subject: Re: Free access to measurement network
>Anyone can roll their own wireline at the maximum regulatory effort of 
>becoming a CLEC and construction permits. Some jurisdictions will let you in 
>without this, but if you have the former, they must allow you the same access 
>as the >ILEC. 
>Otherwise, they can do fixed wireless. 
>Mike Hammett
>Intelligent Computing Solutions 
>Midwest Internet Exchange 
>The Brothers WISP 

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