Their L3 stuff is as stable as their L2 stuff, in general.

MP-BGP and VRFs are a tiny bit bleeding edge/lacking features, however for
plain OSPF/BGP, they're great.


On 30 November 2017 at 18:36, Romeo Czumbil <>

> So I've been using Arista as layer2 for quite some time, and I'm pretty
> happy with them.
> Kicking the idea around to turn on some Layer3 features but I've been
> hearing some negative feedback.
> The people that I did hear negative feedback don't use Arista themselves.
> (they just heard....)
> So do we have any Arista L3 people out here that can share some negatives
> or positives?
> Use case: Just some MPLS IPv4/IPv6 routing, l2vpn OSPF/BGP
> Maybe 20k routes (no full internet routes)
> 7050 Series
> 7280 Series
> -Romeo

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