Multicast is not PIM. PIM is dead.

Significantly reduces the cost and complexity of network replication. Soon
to be on the standards track. What can't BIER do?


On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 8:58 AM, Mike Hammett <> wrote:

> of the TV they use... through you. That doesn't count OTA, cable,
> satellite, etc.
> It won't change significantly any time soon. I know things are changing,
> but it'll still take five or ten years for those changes to significantly
> change traffic patterns.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest-IX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Baldur Norddahl" <>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:52:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Broadcast television in an IP world
> Den 21. nov. 2017 16.20 skrev "Mike Hammett" <>:
> Unicasting what everyone watches live on a random evening would use
> significantly more bandwidth than Game of Thrones or whatever OTT drop.
> Magnitudes more. It wouldn't even be in the same ballpark.
> I agree as of this moment however that will change. Also note that our
> customers do 100% of their TV as unicast OTT because that is the only thing
> we offer. This does not cause nearly as much problems as you would expect.

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