Right now only 25% of cable subscribers watch sports channels like ESPN. But 
100% pay up to $20 a month for ESPN et al. in their monthly subscription fees. 
HBO and Showtime subscribers pay for those premium services. It is well past 
time for sports enthusiasts to pay for their very expensive content in a sports 
premium package.

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-boun...@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Luke Guillory
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 3:02 PM
To: Jean-Francois Mezei; nanog@nanog.org
Subject: RE: Broadcast television in an IP world

This use to be the case.

While it might lower OPX that surely won't result in lower retrans, will just 
be more profit for them.

We're down as well on video subs, this is 99% due to rising prices.

This is where it's heading for sure, in the end it will cost more as well since 
each will be charging more than the per sub rates we're getting charge. They'll 
have to in order to keep revenue the same.

When ESPN offers an OTT product I have no doubt it will be near the $20 per 
month, for 5 channels or so?

Luke Guillory
Vice President – Technology and Innovation

Tel:    985.536.1212
Fax:    985.536.0300
Email:  lguill...@reservetele.com

Reserve Telecommunications
100 RTC Dr
Reserve, LA 70084


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