You probably want to look at Patchmanager:

They usually allow you a free testdrive. 

— Arien

> On Oct 26, 2017(43), at 17:08, Craig <> wrote:
> I am hoping someone could help me out with some suggestions for any
> software that is available, for individuals that are doing physical layer
> wiring in a data center?
> The idea is the technician is performing the fiber runs from say RACK 111
> router AAA port 1/1/1 to RACK 222 router BBB port 1/1/1
> The fiber is connected to a LIU in the TOP of the rack, and then will
> require various cross connects to get to the other rack. If the various
> racks and LIU's are pre-populated into the software, and then a standard
> for the fiber labels is also installed ahead of time into the software
> tool.
> The technician has a tablet or laptop to enter the data, and then it will
> print out a cable label based on the info entered into the tool. The
> back-end data base is updated for each fiber so the complete path is known.
> This way its a one step process.
> Maybe my description of this is readily available or have other companies
> developed a custom software tool to achieve this?
> Appreciate any feedback.

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