Would be great if makers of home routers would implement full recursive DNS resolvers
instead of just forwards in their gear.

Filip Hruska
Linux System Administrator

Dne 10/20/17 v 15:23 Mike Hammett napsal(a):
I know it doesn't help your problem, but friends don't let friends use public 
DNS resolvers (Google, L3, Open DNS, etc.). ;-)

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions


----- Original Message -----

From: "David Sotnick" <sotnickd-na...@ddv.com>
To: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:41:46 PM
Subject: Google DNS intermittent ServFail for Disney subdomain

Hi Nanog,

I am principal network engineer for sister-studio to Disney Studios. They
have been struggling with DNS issues since Thursday 12th October.

By all accounts it appears as though *some* of the Google DNS resolvers
cannot reach the authoritative nameservers for "studio.disney.com".

This is causing ~20-30% of all DNS requests against Google Public DNS / to fail for requests in this subdomain.

The name servers reside in

Might someone be able to *connect me* with someone at Google to assist my
poor colleagues who are banging their heads against a brick wall here.

Thank you,

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