In a message written on Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 12:54:26PM -0400, Zachary 
Winnerman wrote:
> I recall some evidence that 80+F temps can reduce hard drive lifetime,
> though it might be outdated as it was from before SSDs were around. I

This is very much a "your infrastructure may vary" situation.

The servers we're currently buying when speced with SSD only and
the correct network card (generally meaning RJ45 only, but there
are exceptions) are waranteed for 105 degree inlet operations.
While we do not do "high temperature operations" we have seen
operations where folks run them at 90-100 degree input chasing

Famously, Intel ran computers outside in a tent just to prove it works

It should be easy to purchase equipment that can tolerate 80-90
degree input without damage.  But that's not the question here.
The question is if the temp is within the range specified in the
contract.  If it is, deal with it, and if it is not, hold your
vendor to delivering what they promised.

Leo Bicknell -
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