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On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 12:22 PM Gavin Henry <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> For a while now (11 days) we've been trying to reach ATT as it some of
> our traffic is dying within their network. It's traffic destined for
> their customer networks so we can't raise a ticket with ATT directly.
> We've emailed their NOC, but nothing and since then been trying to
> raise tickes via phone with their customers that we can't reach, but
> we're not their customers either....I'm pretty certain one of our /22
> is getting dropped, as our other /22 works (we're small guys).
> Can anyone help confirm our theory by putting us in touch?
> Thanks.
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Gavin Henry.
> Managing Director.


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