In addition to government and carriers working on the large-scale
infrastructure to restore telecommunications in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin
Islands and other Caribbean islands; I've found the following
non-government organizations with people on the ground in the disaster
areas working on communications needed emergency and relief efforts.
I've limited this list to those groups I've been able to confirm on the
ground response, not just a press release; and to the best of my ability
to verify are legitimate organizations. If you know of other
non-governmental organizations with on-the-ground teams restoring
telecommunications in PR or USVI or other Caribbean islands, let me know.
American Red Cross: mobile satellite stations at red cross shelters
ARRL Puerto Rico: Multiple communication efforts in Puerto Rico and U.S.
Virigin islands in cooperation with Red Cross and government
Global DIRT: installing Vanu cellular terminals and GATR satellite dishes
in the US Virgin Islands and Vieques, PR.
Information Technology Disaster Resource Center: installing voice and wifi
networks in remote parts of puerto rico.
NetHope: providing connectivity services to the response community and
affected communities in puerto rico