On 2017-10-02 00:32, Javier J wrote: > I hope they do. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of FEMA, Army, etc > personnel on the ground or a shortage of truck drivers in the US willing to > help. If 80% of Truck drivers that pick up containers from the ports can't > make it, then this needs to be supplemented any way possible to get things > moving.
When disaster is in focused area (Like Houston), truck drivers can easily return to functional cities after delivering goods to the diaster zone (so not a strain on food/lodging in diaster zone). If you bring truck drivers (and telecom, electrical etc) workiers into Puerto Rico, they can't go home every night, so become a strain on shelter/food resources. And you can't "steal" your local workers if they are busy pickup up their belongings from collapsed homes, waiting in long queues for food and caring for their families. In 1998 Ice Storm, Bombardier in Montréal had full power and got a lot of bad publicity when it threatened to fire employees who didn't show up for work. Seesm like mamnagement lived in areas that had power and didn't realise how life changes when you have no power, queue up for wood provided by city etc. (and that is nothing compared to what people on Puerto Rico are dealing with).