A couple of folks asked about commercial colocation and data centers...
There are about 100 major colocation and datacenters in Florida and
southern Georgia. I've check the usual suspects, and none have posted
outages. Directv and Dishtv "local-in-local" TV stations appear to be
uninterrupted, which indicates the major fiber hubs they use for TV signal
aggregation are working in the local areas.
I can't tell how many data centers are on backup generators.
Today's update from various official sources (FEMA, Dept. of Energy, FCC,
NOAA, etc).
Electric Power (DOE)
Florida: 4,788,277 customer outages (48% of total state customers)
Georgia: 932,587 customer outages (22% of total state customers)
South Carolina: 140,759 customer outages (6% of total state customers)
North Carolina: 56,834 customer outages (1% of total state customers)
Alabama: 20,050 customers outages (1% of total state customers)
Puerto Rico: 303,998 customers (19% of total customers)
U.S. Virgin Islands
Water and Power Authority (WAPA) reported several feeders on St. Thomas
are re-energized. There are currently two generators (#14 and #25) online
with a maximum capacity of 39 MW. An 800 kW generator has arrived on St.
Thomas September 12.
Water (FEMA)
U.S. Virgin Islands: 341,000 people without potable water
Puerto Rico: 61,980 people without potable water
Public Safety
Hospitals (FEMA)
Florida: 33 closed, 204 healthcare facilities evacuated
Puerto Rico: 1 closed, 6 on generator power
U.S. VI: 1 closed and evacuated
NOAA Weather Radio (NOAA)
Florida: 9 out of 32 stations (28%) out of service
Georgia: 4 out of 29 stations (13%) out of service
U.S. VI: 1 out of 1 station (100%) out of service
Public Safety Answering Points (9-1-1 centers) (FCC)
Florida: 27 impacted (3 out of service, 9 partial service, 9
re-routed with ALI, 8 re-routed without ALI)
U.S. VI: 2 impacted, without ALI/ANI
Cable and Wireline systems (FCC)
819 switching centers (cable headends and central offices) out of service.
Unknown how many are isolated, damaged or just without power.
7,184,909 subscribers out of service in Alabama, Florida and Georgia; not
including Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Because of the limited
number of service providers, I think FCC is not releasing the information.
From other reporting, Puerto Rico has about 50% out of service and U.S. VI
has about 33% out of service not including St. John and St. Thomas.
Wireless Service (FCC)
Alabama: less 1% cell sites out of service
Florida: 24.6% cell sites out of service (5 counties over 50% OOS)
Georgia: 10.5% cell sites out of service (1 county over 50% OOS)
Puerto Rico: 14.5% cell sites out of service (3 counties over 50% OOS)
U.S. VI: 53% cell sites out of service (St. John - 9 out of 10 OOS,
St. Thomas 38 out of 57 OOS)
Broadcast (FCC)
Television: 9 stations out of service
Radio: 51 stations out of service