Really surprised that AS174 put in place any anti-spoofing.
We are bgp-transit customer of CGNT and received traffic originated from
RFC1918 on our public p2p link with them

On 15.08.2017 17:36, Ben Russell wrote:
> Could someone from Cogent contact me off-list?  We are having an issue with 
> one of our downstream customers who is multi-homed to another carrier.  The 
> end customer is advertising their prefix to both us and the other carrier.  
> Both us and the other carrier peer with 174.  However, if the prefix is 
> preferred through us and the outbound traffic flows over the other carrier it 
> is dropped.  We suspect uRPF-strict on the other carriers Cogent link.   We 
> are working together with the other carrier and have a ticket open the help 
> desk seem to be confused.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks
> Ben Russell
> Senior Network Engineer
> Stratus Networks
> (309)370-3174
> [logo]

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