> Then you need to decide if you want to be a hop between those two peers or if 
> you want them to serve you only. You can change your routing so that both 
> providers know of your routes but you are not sharing routes between the two 
> providers.

The definition of “peering” to most ISPs would definitely not include becoming 
a “hop” between two peers. Most networks would de-peer you if you sent their 
prefixes to another peer.


> On Jul 11, 2017, at 2:40 PM, Ethan E. Dee <e...@globalvision.net> wrote:
> Considering the wording you use, I would include this,
> 'Peering' is not always necessary. If you can get an upstream provider to 
> give you a pack of IP's and it is sufficient to just use them as a gateway 
> instead of setting up peering that would be preferred.
> If you decide you want to have multiple upstream providers or hit some kind 
> of speed cap is when I would probably peer with someone else. So that you can 
> keep your IP space but share it across a redundant connection from a 
> different provider.
> Then you need to decide if you want to be a hop between those two peers or if 
> you want them to serve you only. You can change your routing so that both 
> providers know of your routes but you are not sharing routes between the two 
> providers.
> BGP is an enormous protocol and extremely scalable so there is alot to 
> consider before you even decide if you want to peer.
> Because it can sometimes be a headache to setup.
> On 07/11/2017 02:17 PM, Bob Evans wrote:
>> There is one more thing to consider based on your app or content latency
>> criteria needs. Do you provide a service that performs better with low
>> latency - such as live desktop, live video/voice. You may wish to peer to
>> have more control and more direct  path to your customer base. If you
>> identify your customer base in a specific region - then explore the best
>> peering exchange points to utilize in that region. This can help you
>> reduce your packet hop count/ deliver time, etc. etc..
>> Thank You
>> Bob Evans
>> CTO
>>> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 4:12 PM, craig washington <
>>> craigwashingto...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Newbie question, what criteria do you look for when you decide that you
>>>> want to peer with someone or if you will accept peering with someone
>>>> from
>>>> an ISP point of view.
>>> I assume you mean "reciprocal peering" in the sense of shortcut from your
>>> customers to their customers rather than the more generic sense that any
>>> BGP neighbor is a "peer".
>>> 1. What does it cost? If you and they are already on an IX peering switch
>>> or you're both at a relaxed location where running another cable carries
>>> no
>>> monthly fee, there's not much down side.
>>> 2. Is the improvement to your service worth the cost? It's not worth
>>> buying
>>> a data circuit or cross-connect to support a 100kbps trickle.
>>> 3. Do you have the technical acumen to stay on top of it? Some kinds of
>>> breakage in the peering link could jam traffic between your customers and
>>> theirs. If you're not able to notice and respond, you'd be better off
>>> sending the traffic up to your ISPs and letting them worry about it.
>>> If the three of those add up to "yes" instead of "no" then peering may be
>>> smart.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bill Herrin
>>> --
>>> William Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
>>> Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>
> -- 
> Ethan Dee
> Network Admin
> Globalvision
> 864 704 3600
> e...@globalvision.net
> For Support:
> gv-supp...@globalvision.net
> 864 467 1333
> For Sales:
> sa...@globalvision.net
> 864 467 1333

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