Agree, this thread has generated more "spam" or noise for all of us 
Some amount of relevant "spam"  has to be tolerated for vendor to continue 
supporting NANOG. Also relevant "spam" or sales call is a good way to find out 
about new technologies , that one may not have heard about otherwise.  
Another tip, just ignore,  the "spammer" will go away eventually.  

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 6:45 AM, Rodney Joffe<> wrote:   
I guess that explains why so many newcomers are confused about what spam is. 

> On Jun 14, 2017, at 5:33 AM, Ge Dupin <> wrote:
> It looks like there are more spams coming from these discussions than from 
> the original Scams/Spams..
> Ge
>>> Le 14 juin 2017 à 14:26, Rodney Joffe <> a écrit :
>>> On Jun 13, 2017, at 10:28 PM, Mel Beckman <> wrote:
>>> But as I said, harvesting emails is not illegal under can spam. And the 
>>> requirement to not send you UCE to harvested emails is pointless, because 
>>> how do you prove that someone did that?
>> Because he said so?
>>>>>> The spammer had the balls to say, in his email:
>>>>>>> We do not know each other. I'm leveraging the attendee list for NANOG 
>>>>>>> to reach out and raise awareness of the value of OCS (Optical Circuit 
>>>>>>> Switching) in the data center and in particular, the Carrier Neutral 
>>>>>>> Hotel where we've been active with next generation MeetMeRoom 
>>>>>>> discussions.

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