On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 14:51, Bajpai, Vaibhav wrote: > The v6 numbers from ^ NANOG post are now more than 1 year old. Thought > to re-bump this thread. Would it be possible to share updated numbers > of v6 traffic share within your network and % contribution by top apps.
Hello, A little late and "out-of-geography", but still... On small-ish French ISP we have : - on the residential-only FTTH part, where all clients have IPv6 by default (unless they do something to avoid using it - and some do) : up to 30% of total is IPv6, and at least 60% of IPv6 is with Google. - globally (residential+business), the rate drops to 9% with peaks towards 20% on week-ends and public holidays. Same thing with Google doing most of IPv6. For the record, apart Google, there are less than 10 ASes that have more than 1% (but less than 10%) of the total IPv6 traffic. Everybody else is just traces.... Also for the record, business customers are much more active in *rejecting* IPv6, either explictely (they say they want it disabled) or implicitly (they install their own router, not configured for IPv6). The bigger the business, the bigger the chance of rejection. -- R-A.F.