On Fri, 02 Jun 2017 13:23:26 -0400, Christopher Morrow said:
> is this a case of 'wherer the cable gets dry' vs 'where the electronics
> doing cable things lives' ?
> aren't (normally) the dry equipment locations a bit inland and then have
> last-mile services from the consortium members headed inland to their
> respective network pops?

Well, I'd be willing to buy that logic, except the specific buildings called
out look pretty damned big for just drying off a cable.  For example, this
is claimed to be the US landing point for TAT-14 - looks around 4K square feet?


Though I admit I'm foggy on how much gear is needed to stuff however many amps
at 4,000 volts down the cable core to power the repeaters.  But again - if
there's gear stuffing that many amps at that many volts down a cable, salt
water could be the start of a bad day...

(And note - I'm not saying that *everybody* who built a cable landing station
managed to get it wrong.  I'm saying that with the number of landing stations
in existence, the chance that *somebody* got it wrong is probably scarily high.
Telco and internet experiences in New Orleans during Katrina and NYC during
Sandy suggest there's a lot of infrastructure built with "we never had storm
surge in this building before so it can't happen" planning....)

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