Hi Scott

 As with any open forum you take the good with the bad. I've been on this
list since 2001, you learn to dump the static and learn from the good
Too much information (whether good or bad) is better than none.


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 8:12 PM, Scott Weeks <sur...@mauigateway.com> wrote:

> --- na...@incomingmta.com wrote:
> From: "Phillip White" <na...@incomingmta.com>
> ...I have been on this list for many years...Today, though,
> I felt the need to create the mailbox just so I could reply
> since your posts have been the most irritating I have ever
> seen on this list.
> --------------------------------------
> "the most irritating I have ever seen on this list"
> You can't have been on this list very long, then... ;-)
> scott

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